
“Immediate & Resolute Approval.” Good Work, PRRD! Good Work, Secretary Of Agriculture William Dar! If You Have A Good Plan, People Will See And Sign In

Highly unusual, but ANN uses the words “immediate and resolute approval” by PRRD of several proposals submitted by Secretary of Agriculture William Dar “to cushion the impact of global economic challenges and Russia-Ukraine crisis on Philippine food security” (Author Not Named, 02 Mar 2022, “PRRD Approves Food Security Measures Amid Global Challenges And Ukraine Crisis,” DA.gov.ph). Thinking, this journalist says if you have a sure plan, people will sign in for sure.

“Food security” for all. An agriculturist and self-proclaimed apostle of communication for village development since 2021 (CoViD21), I salute PRRD for saying, during that first-day-of-March cabinet meeting: “We should help our farmers and fishers to be more productive, and earn decent income.”

Food Security must come with Overall Agriculture Security!

That is an acknowledged international truth. The World Bank knows it. ANN says this body reported 17 months ago this (Author Not Named, 09 Sept 2020, Philippines: Vibrant Agriculture Is Key To Faster Recovery And Poverty Reduction,” World Bank, worldbank.org):

Transforming Philippine agriculture into a dynamic, high-growth sector is essential for the country to speed up recovery, poverty reduction and inclusive growth, according to the latest report released by the World Bank.

Note that “transforming Philippine agriculture into a dynamic, high-growth sector” is necessary to accomplish 3 things: (1) speed up recovery of economy, (2) reduce poverty, and (3) promote growth inclusive of all.

I repeat: “Inclusive of all.” As Agriculture grows, the whole Philippines grows – as Agriculture stunts, the whole Philippines stunts. Primarily, the economy of the country, any country, comes from the soil.

That cabinet meeting in Malacañang, also attended by top officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police, was “to discuss possible scenarios should the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict continue and escalate.” Food security, people security.

PRRD also approved the recommendations of his economic team, led by Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez, on the domestic economy, food prices, and social protection.

Mr Dar said, “It is imperative and urgent for the Philippine government to ensure that we have adequate, affordable and accessible supply of basic food items, and agricultural inputs to ensure continued productivity and increased incomes of farmers and fisherfolk.” The Russia-Ukraine conflict would disrupt international commerce; consider that the Philippines imports, among other things, oil, chemical fertilizers & pesticides.

Food first of all.

Mr Dar said, according to ANN:

If we fail to act now, the net result is high food prices and inflation, resulting in food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition. Thus, we thank President Duterte for his decisive action on the matter.

Decisive leaders for proposing, and decisive leaders for approving funds to carry out the proposals. Plans and funds must come together.

The measures approved by the President will further boost higher food production in the country, and provide our farmers, fishers, and rural folk much-needed incomes amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

My CoViD21 opinion: “The prime movers of our economy are our farmers, fishers and families in the villages!”@517

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